
1.South Carolina 南卡罗来纳州
  Individual income tax(个人所得税):up to 7%
  Sales tax(消费税):6%
  Corporate income tax(企业所得税):5%
  Property tax per capita(人均物业税):$1,039

2.Louisiana 路易斯安那州
  Individual income tax(个人所得税):2% - 6%
  Sales tax(消费税):4%
  Corporate income tax(企业所得税):4% - 8%
  Property tax per capita(人均物业税):$793

3.Maryland 马里兰州
  Individual income tax(个人所得税): 2% - 5.75%
  Sales tax(消费税):6%
  Corporate income tax(企业所得税):  8.25%
  Property tax per capita(人均物业税):$1,374

4.Massachussetts 马萨诸塞州
  Individual income tax(个人所得税):5.15%
  Sales tax(消费税):6.25%
  Corporate income tax(企业所得税):8%
  Property tax per capita(人均物业税):$2,061

5.North Dakota 北达科他州
  Individual income tax(个人所得税):1.1% - 2.9%
  Sales tax(消费税):5%
  Corporate income tax(企业所得税):1.41% - 4.31%
  Property tax per capita(人均物业税):$1,143

6.Hawaii 夏威夷
  Individual income tax(个人所得税):1.4% - 11%
  Sales tax(消费税):4%
  Corporate income tax(企业所得税):4.4% - 6.4%
  Property tax per capita(人均物业税):$947

7.Maine 缅因州
  Individual income tax(个人所得税):6.5% - 7.95%
  Sales tax(消费税):5.50%
  Corporate income tax(企业所得税):3.5% - 8.93%
  Property tax per capita(人均物业税):$1,789

8.Colorado 科罗拉多州
  Individual income tax(个人所得税):4.63% of federal income
  Sales tax(消费税):2.90%
  Corporate income tax(企业所得税):4.63%
  Property tax per capita(人均物业税):$1,349

9.Texas 德克萨斯州
  Individual income tax(个人所得税):none
  Sales tax(消费税):6.25%
  Corporate income tax(企业所得税):gross receipts tax
  Property tax per capita(人均物业税):$1,559

10.Oregon 俄勒冈州
  Individual income tax(个人所得税):5% - 9.9%
  Sales tax(消费税):none
  Corporate income tax(企业所得税):6.6% - 7.6%
  Property tax per capita(人均物业税):$1,296

11.Washington 华盛顿州
  Individual income tax(个人所得税):none
  Sales tax(消费税):6.5%
  Corporate income tax(企业所得税):gross receipts tax
  Property tax per capita(人均物业税):$1,345

13.North Carolina 北卡罗莱纳州
  Individual income tax(个人所得税):5.75%
  Sales tax(消费税):4.75%
  Corporate income tax(企业所得税):5%
  Property tax per capita(人均物业税):$917

14.Florida 佛罗里达州
  Individual income tax(个人所得税):none
  Sales tax(消费税):6%
  Corporate income tax(企业所得税):5.5%
  Property tax per capita(人均物业税):$1,281

15.Nevada 内华达州
  Individual income tax(个人所得税):none
  Sales tax(消费税):6.85%
  Corporate income tax(企业所得税):none
  Property tax per capita(人均物业税):$1,039

16.California 加州
  Individual income tax(个人所得税):1% - 13.30%
  Sales tax(消费税):7.50%
  Corporate income tax(企业所得税):8.84%
  Property tax per capita(人均物业税):$1,363

17.New York 纽约州
  Individual income tax(个人所得税):4% - 8.82%
  Sales tax(消费税):4%
  Corporate income tax(企业所得税):7.1%
  Property tax per capita(人均物业税):$2,435

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